Diocesan Secretary: Mrs Margaret Cassidy
Contact: [email protected]
Diocesan Treasurer: The Revd Dr Gordon Wareing
The Treasurer receives and deposits in the Bank all the funds of the Synod and keeps a record of all transactions. He collects the annual Quotas from the parishes. The Treasurer also pays all authorised outgoings. At the first Synod of each year he presents the annual accounts for scrutiny and approval, then submits the annual return to the Charity Commission. The Treasurer is also an ex-officio representative of the Diocese on the General Council. |
Contact: [email protected]
Church Planting Coordinator and Bishop’s Chaplain: The Revd Anthony Roberts
As the Diocese begins to place church planting at the heart of its life, the Coordinator works with the Bishop in identifying, initiating and responding to opportunities to plant new FCE churches. He also liaises with Canon Alger of Always Forward as part of a stepped process of awareness, training and development. As chaplain Anthony assists the Bishop by undertaking such tasks as the Bishop delegates to him, by praying for him regularly and by attending him on formal liturgical occasions. He organises the twice-yearly residential Clergy Conference. |
Contact: [email protected]
Bishop’s Examining Chaplain: The Revd Geoffrey Andow
Contact: [email protected]
Prayer Link Co-ordinator: Mrs Norma Clarkson
Contact: [email protected]
Northern Diocesan representatives on the General Council elected by the Synod:
Clergy: The Revds Jonatas Bragatto, Kenneth Howles and Arthur Kay.
Laity: Mrs Kath Kay and Mr Neil Turner.